People in Process

Martina Smith und Hugh Ralph Smith begleiten und unterstützen in ihren Coachings, Trainings und Workshops Transformationsprozesse - in ihrer unnachahmlichen, einzigartigen Weise.

Fotos: Dag von Boor
Lab-01: Design und Realisation der Website mit CMS Contao

"To transfer an idea from concept to realization was an easy job, with the attentive co-operation with the photographer, of a designer such as Katrin Silva. My wife Martina and I are completely satisfied with the presentation of our work in the website that was created with Katrin’s expertise, which took into account all of the subtleties in the text and graphics that we considered important to bring in to accentuate our particular flavor..."

Hugh Ralph Smith



Konzept, Gestaltung, responsive Umsetzung, CMS Contao, Online-Redaktion, Websitepflege


Ziele definieren - Strategien entwickeln. Für einen überzeugenden Auftritt.


unverwechselbar, prägnant, langlebig. Broschüren, Jahresberichte... alles, was auf's Papier kommt

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